Doctorat – Journal de bord – 15 juin 2022

Accompagnements musicaux: ELpH vs Coil – Worship the Glitch Controlled Death – Black Lucifer Rising Discussion fort intéressante cette semaine avec un collègue, davantage avancé dans son parcours doctoral, qui a mis en mots un des enjeux majeurs de mon retour vers l’académie. En tant que « patenteux » autant dans la vie professionnelle qu’artistique, […]

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Indie Games Reviews 22 – 06/09/2022

Time Is Solid Here by AlgebraFalcon— A very interesting top-down 2D horror/puzzle experience reminding me of Flesh, Blood & Concrete. This game really distinguishes itself with a superb soundtrack, extremely well-written dialogues and a visual style mixing retro and Francis Baconesque melting fleshy masses. The trials and tribulations of this amateur psychopomp are worth exploring. […]

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Doctorat – Journal de bord – 28 mai 2022

Accompagnement musical : Indus Bonze – 山怪 (The Ghost Stories of The Gorge) J’ai décidé de débuter mon journal de bord avec un collage, ou réassemblage. C’est un médium vers lequel j’aime me tourner afin de connecter différentes idées et laisser un peu plus de place à mon inconscient. Reassembly This technique is visual in […]

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Indie Games Reviews 21 – 05/12/2022

Press W To Move Forward by Nil Knight— Game mechanics in perfect cohesion with a rhetoric of technocapitalist alienation and constant estrangement from immediate reality. Also an amazing aesthetic feat with mindbending visual and soundscape. They Speak From the Abyss Teaser Demo by Nikki Kalpa— Look forward for the release of this title and offer […]

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Indie Games Reviews 20 – 04/14/2022

Growing My Grandpa by Yames — Public release tomorrow (04/15/22) – Do not skip this! The one and only Yames does it again with an unique brand of body horror creeping out of the liminal intersection of gnostic paranoia and biological insanity. Brilliant ambient soundtrack and a visual aesthetic not unlike deSpiria monstrosities. Strongly […]

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