Un regard froid – Devoir. Génétique. Violence. Hiérarchie

The latest release from my solo and personal power electronics project is now available digitally on Bandcamp. Devoir. Génétique. Violence. Hiérarchie. by Un regard froid “Devoir. Génétique. Violence. Hiérarchie” is a movement away from sonic sexual melancholia, towards a more confrontative rythmn and vocal oriented weltschmerz. A power tools electronics outburst channelling all the reasons […]

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Un regard froid – Violence

From “Devoir. Génétique. Violence. Hiérarchie” available on NSN Records n-s-n.org/ The track starts slow. It gets violent and abusive. It dies alone. Like your existence. “Devoir. Génétique. Violence. Hiérarchie” is a movement away from sonic sexual melancholia, towards a more confrontative rythmn and vocal oriented weltschmerz. A power tools electronics outburst chanelling all the reasons why […]

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Our noise division Un regard froid will open for cyberpunk act L.O.T.I.O.N. next month. Spoiler: there will be a Country Teasers cover. Facebook event. Saturday December 12th Casa Del Popolo, Montreal L.O.T.I.O.N. – NYC https://lavidaesunmus.bandcamp.com/album/digital-control-and-mans-obsolescence-lp LIGATURE – NYC https://soundcloud.com/ligaturenyc UN REGARD FROID – MTL https://unregardfroid.bandcamp.com/ CROCHE – MTL ANUSOL – MTL Portes: 21h. Show: 21h30 […]

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Component One: Montreal Industrial/Noise Festival

Every dimensions of Lamashtu will be part of Component One: Montreal Industrial/Noise Festival. Collages exhibition, avant-premiere of ANA and a live performance from my power electronics entity Un regard froid. -THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10th at Casa del Popolo Carnal Veil (Montreal) https://soundcloud.com/carnalveil/involved-in-crime-demo Selfish Implosions (Montreal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPNifUCavv8 Un Regard Froid (Montreal) https://unregardfroid.bandcamp.com/ Lowebrau (Montreal) https://lowebrau.bandcamp.com/ GRKZGL (Montreal) […]

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Un regard froid – Montréal

Nouvelle composition de mon projet bruitiste Un regard froid – Montréal Comme les malédictions sataniques sont revenues à la mode, je ne crois pas qu’il y ait de meilleur moment pour publier ce morceau. Comme d’habitude: montez le volume (et allez vous morfondre sur le bandbamp d’URF) RCQC  |  Par Radio-Canada.ca avec La Presse canadienne […]

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