CRPS – Document 2: Invasion/Retaliation

Document Two: Invasion/Retaliation by CRPS CONTROL.RESEARCH.PUNISHMENT.STRENGTH. Audio shelling for Kali Yuga satyrs. Inspired by the People’s Republic of China and Deleuze. Raw power electronics. Quebec. Soundtrack of autonomous ballistic sadism, architectural logic of torture and soteriological fanaticism. Featuring members of Un Regard Froid, Maussade, Hyena Hive and Profane Order. Inextinguishable Fire, Harun Farocki Psychoarchitectural Breach […]

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URF – Conspiration Lyrics English Translation

English translation of the lyrics from Un Regard Froid – Conspiration. Original French lyrics on Bancamp. Isolation Torrents of banalities and good feelings in which you’d rather drown As maggots feeding on infection and filthy blood The key moment where you are crushed by the persistence of things is always when you refuse to […]

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New Un Regard Froid Album + First Game Acephalic

“Les cadavres accumulés à chacune de mes expirations Les innocences défigurées à chacune de mes inspirations Quelque chose de cruel se situe hors des portées de cette dimension” Acephalic: Conspiration: Conspiration (Conspiracy in English) is the second part of a trilogy initiated by Accélération. The work of Thomas Ligotti, especially Conspiracy Against the […]

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Un Regard Froid – Fixation

Un Regard Froid – Conspiration and the companion game, Acephalic,will be released this Friday, September 11th. Video game: “Les cadavres accumulés à chacune de mes expirations Les innocences défigurées à chacune de mes inspirations Quelque chose de cruel se situe hors des portées de cette dimension” Conspiration (Conspiracy in English) is the second […]

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Accélération Lyrics – English translation

Attrition   We want nothing less than the uncontrolled spending of all resources. Pornoritualized tribal deterritorialization. Consecrated submachine guns and rosary of daggers. Remote controlled organs grafted with Semtex. We demand the tireless waste of all that breathes. We will obtain total schizophrenic rupture and ruin as the only worth. Replace oxygen by VX gas […]

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